Friday, February 18, 2005

"So you say it's your birthday, well it's my birthday too.."

Oh my another year. I'm at work and I'm having so much fun! First, it started with my parent's ritual early morning birthday call. It was very expected but extremely nice. I love my parents. Then my sister got on and gave me her wishes. Then I hang up and my phone rings again. My nephew wanted to wish me a happy birthday. So sweet!!! I get to work and JG has decorated my desk with balloons, crepe paper, and confettii. I think "oh shit, what have I just gotten myself into"...I should've never made JG hit a pinata for her birthday. Next, SM brings birthday breakfast tacos in. He is so sweet. He had his suit on because later he was going to his Grandfather's Funeral. For lunch I'm taken to PF Changs. Then at 2 I get called into the Moffett Library in our building where everyone is waiting with two ice cream cakes, Groucho eyeglasses (you know with the mustache and nose) and a set of "Bubba teeth." I was instructed to wear them while they sang happy birthday...I know laugh your head off, everyone else did.

All in all, not too bad. Now I gotta drive home and lord knows what my family has in store. Stay tuned...

And have a wonderful weekend!!!


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